Saturday, October 30, 2010

Darcy and Josh

I took these on Monday morning. Josh is in the Marines and stationed in California. He left a few hours later to go back. Just 3 days before they were married. I was very touched by the obvious emotions and sweet love between this couple. Congratulations Darcy and Josh.....I wish you many years of love and happiness.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The LeFevre Family

We had planned to do Lance and Jackie's family photos over the weekend but it totally rained us out. I went to Jacksboro and we met at Fort Richardson State Park. It was so windy and I had a hard time getting the girls to look or to smile. They were much more into playing than taking pictures. For some reason Rachel just isn't into taking photos....(maybe it's because I always have my camera in her face). But I think we got a few that will do! I love my family!